Empowering Communities: My Life as a Social Worker in Malta

I am a Hungarian social worker and social policy expert living in Malta for almost six years. When my family and I moved to Malta in 2018, I was fortunate and honoured to be employed by Binda Consulting International Ltd (BCI) as a program manager. Throughout my years at BCI, I focused on human rights, equal opportunities for oppressed social groups, social inclusion, and democracy development — topics I’ve always been interested in and devoted to.

For me, being a social worker and conducting analyses always go hand in hand. I find first-hand field experience crucial for me to perform meaningful theoretical work. At the same time, working with individuals facing various disadvantaged situations enhances my understanding of systematic challenges and errors that need improvement. As a professional, fieldwork and theory are inseparable; one is not credible without the other.

A year ago, my firm generously seconded me to the Women for Women Foundation for one day per week as part of its corporate social responsibility framework. I was delighted to return to fieldwork, supporting women with concrete challenges and needs in addition to my role as a program manager.

At the Women for Women Foundation, I coordinate and consult with volunteer mentors who, after training, assist women lacking natural support networks and facing crises. Additionally, I organize the Foundation’s storage room, deliver donations to women and families in need, and provide support in various ways. This support can range from online ordering prescribed glasses for someone who cannot use a computer to consulting with legal experts on a migrant woman’s residency status. It may also involve delivering diapers and essential food items to women experiencing financial crises or carrying boxes with Miss Malta, who generously uses her celebrity status to raise donations for the Foundation. Working at the Foundation has allowed me to experience everyday solidarity among women and become a member of a fantastic team, where everyone is willing to go the extra mile to solve problems. It has also highlighted the importance of learning Maltese, even at a basic level, and allowed me to take the Mental Health First Aid weekend course offered by the Richmond Foundation.

Being part of both the BCI family and the Women for Women family simultaneously is the best thing that has happened to me in the last six years, professionally and as a community member. I believe many other professionals would find satisfaction in community work, and numerous firms on the island would be willing to donate some of these professional time to NGOs.


Author: Eszter Kosa


Women for Women Foundation (WFWF) is a registered voluntary organisation (VO 1961) that seeks to support women’s well-being and economic independence by helping them build stronger, more stable, and more sustainable lives.

WFWF aims to provide a hand-up (rather than a handout) to women and their children facing difficult life circumstances despite their hard efforts to improve their lives. This signals that the upward movement and improvement in the self-development of women is the core principle behind all of WFWF’s objectives. Through the careful distribution of resources and other forms of support, such as mentoring, WFWF facilitates this process.

You may also support by visiting www.womenforwomen.com.mt/donate

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