francesca fenech conti

Francesca Fenech Conti


Francesca is hardworking and dedicated. She has held various positions in various sectors since starting work at 15. She has a passion for human rights and social justice, which led to her obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Social Policy and a Master’s in Gender Society and Culture. Francesca is an outspoken advocate of women’s issues, especially domestic violence and women’s right to bodily autonomy. Having been a single mother herself, she’s very understanding of the struggles many abandoned mothers face when trying to raise their children alone. 

In 2015 with the aim of changing conservative, gendered mindsets and offering women a safe space to discuss previously taboo subjects, she created Women for Women – the women only Facebook group which now has over 57,000 members. Today discussions range from investments to infertility and the group offers a space where women can anonymously share and discuss their most intimate issues.  

Francesca has become a modern day agony aunt and receives hundreds of messages weekly from women suffering injustices, poverty, health issues, loneliness and from those seeking her advice. Francesca believes that a woman’s value in society is still not fully recognised and appreciated and many women still struggle to understand their own value. Therefore she dedicates endless hours trying to help others because she genuinely believes that listening and lending an ear and a helping hand to women who are struggling in one way or another, is the first step towards enabling, empowering and helping them to find their own answers to recognising their true value.  

The setting up of the Women for Women Foundation is the result of Francesca’s continuous endeavours to help, support and empower women who are finding it difficult to lead independent and successful lives. With the help of her dedicated team at The Women for Women Foundation, they have helped many women discover their voice and find their feet, leading to many women becoming financially independent and self-sufficient. Francesca believes that empowered, enabled, independent women are the backbone of society and provide an invaluable, vital asset in ensuring healthier, safer, more just and equitable communities. 

(Photo Credit: Dragana Rankovic)