living legends

Claudia Taylor East CEO of NGO SOS Malta & President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Living Legends : Claudia Taylor-East

Claudia Taylor-East is the CEO of SOS Malta, an NGO established in 1991. She has been engaged in promoting volunteering in Malta and overseas in her managing roles in the third sector. Was executive chairman of the Malta Hospice Movement, spearheading the development of Palliative Care services in Malta.

She has led various voluntary missions to Albania, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Uganda, offering humanitarian assistance during the emergency phase contributing to enhancing Malta’s reputation in international solidarity. Her commitment to extensive community and philanthropic activities contributes to and creates all kinds of partnerships that underlie a truly civil society. Master of Letters Honoris Causa conferred by the University of Malta in November 2018.

Living Legends: President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

Former President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca served in politics for 45 years and was a Member of Parliament for 16 years. She was the first elected female General Secretary of one of Malta’s two main political parties. Coleiro Preca also served at the Council of Europe. As Minister for the Family and Social Solidarity, she initiated numerous social reforms. The Maltese Parliament unanimously elected Ms Coleiro Preca as President of Malta in 2014.

Coleiro Preca founded and chairs The Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, The Malta Trust Foundation and The Emanuele Cancer Research Foundation Malta. President Emeritus Coleiro Preca is President of Eurochild, a Member of the Council of World Women Leaders, and a Member of the WPL Global Forum Advisory Board.

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca graduated with a Bachelor’s in Legal and Humanistic Studies and a Notary Public from the University of Malta. Ms Coleiro Preca is also an Honorary Professor at the University of Warwick, an Honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Leicester (UK), and an Honorary Doctor of Literature from the University of Malta.

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca is profoundly passionate and vociferous about improving the lives of the most vulnerable in society, continuing to be so throughout Her Presidency and beyond. She is a strong advocate and avid speaker on several social issues, including social justice, equality and equity, children’s rights and gender equality.

(Photo Credit: Therese Debono)