sculpting stories

Francesca Balzan

Sculptor, Art Historian, Curator & Author

Francesca Balzan is a practising sculptor, art historian, curator and author. In her sculpture, which is mainly in terracotta, her interest lies in portraiture and the human face, using historical sources to produce narratives which are whimsical and often humorous.

Francesca has specialised in the research and publication of the history of jewellery in Malta and has lectured extensively on the subject. Her 2009 book ‘Jewellery in Malta: Treasures from the Island of the Knights (1530-1798)’ won a national book award. She has hosted a popular podcast series, ’ Treasures from Malta’, for Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti and has recently completed the design of a new museum.

Instagram: @franbalzansculpture

(Photo Credit: Therese Debono)