family business

Francesca Scerri Rizzo – Aesthetician & Bianca Caruana Curran – Hairstylist

Sisters Francesca and Bianca have been at the helm of Alfie’s hair and beauty salon for the past 25 years. Francesca started out in 1998, while Bianca joined a few years later. Both are highly qualified in the hair and beauty field.

In 1994, Francesca studied to be an esthetician at Steiner’s in Mayfair, UK and went on to build her work experience working as a spa therapist on a world cruise liner. Francesca continues learning through international training courses and is now a trainer in her field.

Meanwhile, Bianca trained to be a hairstylist at the prestigious and iconic Vidal Sassoon College in London’s renowned Bond Street. Her knowledge and expertise were brought over to the salon to work hand in hand with her sister.

Both Francesca and Bianca are known to support women and regularly reach out to those struggling in one way or another. In fact, it is not the first time that they have offered makeovers to women referred to them by NGOs working with women. They do this wholeheartedly and continue to ensure that every woman should feel special.

(Photo Credit: Therese Debono)