Pro-Choice Activists

Pro-Choice Activists Francesca Zammit & Emily Galea

Pro-Choice Activist Francesca Zammit

Francesca is a filmmaker, activist and feminist. In 2019, she was one of the founding members of Young Progressive Beings, a youth activist group whose primary focus is reproductive justice. Francesca holds a Bachelor’s in Dance Studies and a Master’s in Film Studies from the University of Malta. She has worked for various cultural institutions, including Teatru Salesjan, Opening Doors and Malta’s first Refugee Week Festival.

Pro-Choice Activist Emily Galea

Emily Galea (Gender, Society & Culture M.A.) is the President of Young Progressive Beings, a local NGO fighting for reproductive rights in Malta. She is also the co-project lead of Dear Decision Makers, a story-telling campaign and publication that shows the suffering caused by the blanket ban. She is passionate about achieving reproductive rights in Malta and correcting gender injustice.

(Photo Credit: Therese Debono)