From Struggle to Strength

Shakira Fenech


Shakira is a feminist who is passionate about social justice and women’s empowerment. Working in the area of supporting women and children who have experienced abuse, Shakira gains most satisfaction from seeing survivors succeeding at life. Often identified with being the life of the party, there are other sides to Shakira. Despite having struggled with toxic cycles of life in the past, she wakes up every morning and chooses to set the example of kindness, integrity, compassion, empathy and understanding. She believes that empowered people can find their calling no matter where or what past they come from.

“Imagine what 7 billion humans could accomplish if we loved and respected one another. Just imagine, imagine if there was no greed. We can start with ourselves. Choose to lift others up, how you treat people is what ultimately matters the most. Who you are is measured by how you make others feel, and we can all be kinder to one another.”

“I believe that anything is possible and better when we do it together. The kindness you show has a ripple effect and I am living proof of that. I do what I do because from the moment I left my previous life behind and went to homeless shelter some years ago, other women have shown me kindness, compassion and understanding. I have been mentored and nurtured into the woman I am today and every day I work on keeping that ripple going. We can all do that, starting from the purchase of this Calendar to support Women for Women Foundation and celebrate the women who have shared a part of themselves in it.  Let’s keep that ripple going!”

Shakira works at St Jeanne Antide Foundation (SJAF). If you would like to support a range of social causes close to Shakira’s heart, you can do so by visiting the SJAF website.

(Photo Credit: Therese Debono)