Finding Beauty in Challenges

Lorinda Mamo

Founder of HappyPlay Co

Lorinda Mamo is a creative and a maker. She loves creating things that make her happy and return happiness back into the world. She enjoys spending time with her 8 year old son, Henry who is always ready for a new creative project they’ll create together. When she’s not creating, you’ll find her by the sea looking for seashells and thinking of her next creative project.

Lorinda was born and brought up in Toronto, Canada. While her formal education is based in biological sciences, her heart and passion was always in art and design. When she found out she was pregnant with her son she began her blog ‘A Bird with a French Fry’ – a happy place to share experiences about pregnancy and life with kids. When she learned there were complications with her unborn child, she found it difficult to continue writing. Her son Henry was born in 2013 with medical complexities that need daily care and when Henry was 15 months old, Lorinda was diagnosed with breast cancer. Although it was a difficult journey, Lorinda decided to share her story to help others who may be going through difficult times.

Over the years she has continued to share their story, while also trying to create awareness about chronic illness, and how gratitude and a little perspective can change your life. Through her writing she also encourages others to try to be as positive as possible in the face of adversity from experiences of her very own.

As a maker, mom and lover of all things kid related and her experience in hospitals with a young child has been her inspiration for her brand HappyPlay Co. The brand emphasis is on developing key products, environments and experiences that aim to enhance childhood through play while encouraging gratitude, happiness, and positivity.

(Photo Credit: Therese Debono)